Monday, July 5, 2010


Hey Everyone! Welcome to our blog J

For starters, let’s introduce ourselves. This blog is written by the Phalanx, which consists of three best friends: Kelsey (that’s me J), Hillary (who is frequently referred to as Febbie) and Hannah. We’re all college students. And our absolute favorite social activity is going to a local bookstore and drinking coffee beverages in the café. And whenever we go, the baristas ask for a name to call when our drinks are ready, but we NEVER use our actual first names. We’ll be characters from books, movies, people we actually know, you name it…but never ourselves. And since we insist on using such false names, we select characters from almost everything we read or watch.

And now a little background about our quest. It’s essentially a bunch of movie reviews that we’re writing. But these aren’t just any old movies that we’re choosing to watch. It all started when I randomly decided to start watching the tv show Lost online. One of my favorite Lost characters (Charlie) is played by Dominic Monaghan, who is also in The Lord of the Rings trilogy. So, naturally, I decided I wanted to watch those movies. I talked to Hannah about it, because she is also a LOTR fan (Febbie is too, but not as much). When we got around to watching the trilogy (in one day, of course), we picked our characters, like always. We wanted to be Merry and Pippin, but Pippin couldn’t exactly pass for a normal name in the café, so we each chose one character with a weird name (Frodo for me and Pippin for Hannah), and one with a normal name (Merry for me and Sam for Hannah). We also thought that Febbie deserved some characters, and we wanted to stick with our theme of hobbits, so she became Bilbo and Gollum (sorry Febs). At work the following week, one of my coworkers, Kyle, told me that Billy Boyd, who plays Pippin, is also in the movie Master and Commander, and that he (Kyle) loves The Goonies, which stars Sean Astin, who plays Sam. And this gave The Phalanx an idea, and thus our quest was born.

Since then, we’ve begun to watch movies starring the actors who play each of the characters that we’ve chosen for ourselves in the previous movie. To further explain, here’s an example chain. From The Lord of The Rings, I am Merry. So we chose X-Men Origins: Wolverine as our movie starring Dominic Monaghan. In that movie, I’m Wolverine, and now we’re going to watch Australia as our Hugh Jackman movie. But that can only happen now that we’ve watched one movie for each of our LOTR characters, and therefore chosen five more characters each to choose movies for. Alright, I hope that’s a sufficient explanation. Here we go!

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